Chart and Info: Around Principe 2018 (23nm)

Start time: Aug 11 2018 18:00:00 UTC

Start by Sundi Start at position: 01N41.7300 007E22.9980


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: SW Eco Zone    - Leave 01N36.7740 007E19.8300 to Port - BRG 079
 2: Neves Ferreira - Leave 01N33.2520 007E24.7260 to Port - BRG 343
 3: Belo Monte     - Leave 01N41.3760 007E27.7920 to Port - BRG 239

Finish line:

Line by Bom Bom between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 01N41.6607 007E23.4711
 B: 01N42.1593 007E23.5329
