Chart and Info: Visingso Runt 2019 (15nm)

Start time: Aug 10 2019 18:00:00 UTC

Start by Visingso S at position: 57N59.4360 014E16.5720


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Visingsborg     - Leave 58N01.7820 014E20.9520 to Port - BRG 306
 2: Tranhalsudden E - Leave 58N05.5440 014E24.7680 to Port - BRG 269
 3: Tranhalsudden N - Leave 58N06.4140 014E23.8560 to Port - BRG 182
 4: Nas             - Leave 58N01.7040 014E17.7420 to Port - BRG 114

Finish line:

Line by Visingso S between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 57N59.3702 014E17.0250
 B: 57N59.5018 014E16.1190
