Chart and Info: A3 2020- Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney (624nm)

Start time: Mar 28 2020 19:00:00 UTC

Start by Hobart A3 at position: 42S53.1301 147E21.8078


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: The Iron Pot      - Leave 43S03.5528 147E25.0317 to Port - BRG 055
 2: Cape Roul         - Leave 43S14.1275 147E47.7344 to Port - BRG 017
 3: Tasman Island     - Leave 43S14.3933 148E00.1895 to Port - BRG 323
 4: Sydney Heads Mark - Leave 33S49.6080 151E17.3880 to Port - BRG 208

Finish line:

Line by Sydney A3 between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 33S51.5241 151E15.7848
 B: 33S51.1959 151E15.3312
