Start time: Mar 16 2025 06:00:00 UTC Start by The Rip at position: 38S17.9760 144E38.3040 Marks: BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position. 1: Wilson's Promontory - Leave 39S08.1060 146E22.3800 to Port - BRG 001 2: Gabo Island - Leave 37S33.5940 149E54.7200 to Port - BRG 309 3: Cape Byron - Leave 28S38.3100 153E37.7520 to Port - BRG 271 4: Hinomisaki Light - Leave 33N52.8292 135E03.5483 to Starboard - BRG 089 Finish line: Line by Osaka Bay between marks A and B at positions: A: 34N37.7408 135E18.2600 B: 34N37.6072 135E18.8440