Chart and Info: Kumage TIMED Race 2023 (41nm, Timed Race)

First start: Nov 04 2023 12:00:00 UTC

Start by Kumage Start at position: 30N22.8757 130E20.2946


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Yaku SW   - Leave 30N14.2523 130E26.5826 to Port - BRG 029
 2: Yaku SE   - Leave 30N14.3074 130E34.5151 to Port - BRG 330
 3: Yakushima - Leave 30N22.4670 130E40.1055 to Port - BRG 246

Finish line:

Line by Kumage Finish between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 30N25.3759 130E20.9972
 B: 30N25.8681 130E21.1063
