Chart and Info: Pico Island TIMED Race 2024 (51nm, Timed Race)

First start: Aug 18 2024 12:00:00 UTC

Start by Criacao Vehla at position: 38N30.6429 028W33.0880


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: S. Caetano    - Leave 38N25.3043 028W26.5374 to Port - BRG 030
 2: Lajes Do Pico - Leave 38N23.0220 028W14.7000 to Port - BRG 001
 3: Manhenha      - Leave 38N24.8802 028W01.9396 to Port - BRG 277
 4: Arcos         - Leave 38N33.6134 028W24.7393 to Port - BRG 187

Finish line:

Line by Madelena between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 38N32.1192 028W32.1673
 B: 38N32.6088 028W32.3002
