Chart and Info: Salvador-Noronha-Trindade (2367nm)

Start time: Dec 14 2010 21:00:00 UTC

Start by Salvador de Bahia at position: 13S09.6000 038W36.0000


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Fernando de Noronha - Leave 03S51.4200 032W25.6200 to Starboard - BRG 191
 2: Ilha de Trindade    - Leave 20S31.0471 029W19.5396 to Starboard - BRG 330

Finish line:

Line by Salvador de Bahia between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 13S10.3730 038W36.6544
 B: 13S08.8270 038W35.3456
