Chart and Info: SJORA 1 Florida Current Race (215nm)

Start time: Apr 12 2011 11:00:00 UTC

Start by Port of Palm Beach at position: 26N46.1280 080W02.6702


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Freeport      - Leave 26N30.7800 078W46.8000 to Starboard - BRG 261
 2: Port of Miami - Leave 25N45.7200 080W09.1800 to Starboard - BRG 040
 3: Miami Beach   - Leave 25N50.4600 080W07.1400 to Port      - BRG 282

Finish line:

Line by Port of Palm Beach between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 26N46.1460 080W02.9488
 B: 26N46.1100 080W02.3916
