Chart and Info: Bimini Beach Run 2013 (336nm)

Start time: Feb 02 2013 14:00:00 UTC

Start by Playa en Bahamas at position: 26N29.1000 078W32.4000


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Nassau E      - Leave 25N02.3220 077W15.5340 to Starboard - BRG 268
 2: Andros Flats  - Leave 24N16.5060 077W52.6140 to Starboard - BRG 357
 3: Bimini Beach  - Leave 25N42.6000 079W18.0000 to Starboard - BRG 084

Finish line:

Line by Freeport between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 26N30.9313 078W47.0891
 B: 26N30.6287 078W46.5109
