Chart and Info: Cape Town - Abu Dhabi (5207nm)

Start time: Apr 21 2014 09:00:00 UTC

Start by Cape Town Harbour at position: 33S52.9800 018E27.3000


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Cape Agulhas    - Leave 34S48.0000 020E00.0000 to Port - BRG 013
 2: Cape St Francis - Leave 34S10.8000 024E49.2000 to Port - BRG 342
 3: Mauritius       - Leave 20S12.0000 057E36.0000 to Port - BRG 301
 4: Musandam        - Leave 26N20.4000 056E24.0000 to Port - BRG 202

Finish line:

Line by Abu Dhabi between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 24N27.4049 054E17.7104
 B: 24N28.8391 054E16.1775
