Chart and Info: Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2016 (23nm)

Start time: Sep 10 2016 17:00:00 UTC

Start by SA RTI Start at position: 44S30.6498 073W34.2483


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Isla Francisco - Leave 44S28.7580 073W41.4180 to Port      - BRG 158
 2: Isla Matilde   - Leave 44S31.5780 073W43.3740 to Starboard - BRG 347
 3: Isla Marta     - Leave 44S28.7640 073W48.1680 to Port      - BRG 183
 4: Isla Mercedes  - Leave 44S31.2180 073W53.4480 to Starboard - BRG 003

Finish line:

Line by SA RTI Finish between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 44S26.5156 074W02.1836
 B: 44S26.1263 074W01.7458
