Chart and Info: Volvo Hong Kong to Hainan 2016 (375nm)

Start time: Nov 03 2016 05:45:00 UTC

Start by Hong Kong E at position: 22N17.5999 114E15.0834


BRG is the bearing from ship to mark at scoring position.

 1: Waglan Island B            - Leave 22N11.1575 114E18.3625 to Starboard - BRG 255
 2: Dangan Liedao Island Group - Leave 22N03.9420 114E19.0080 to Starboard - BRG 292
 3: Chin Mu Chao               - Leave 18N09.7260 109E34.2840 to Starboard - BRG 352
 4: Yu Lin Chao                - Leave 18N12.5160 109E28.2726 to Starboard - BRG 069

Finish line:

Line by Serenity Marina Sanya between marks A and B at positions:

 A: 18N13.2567 109E28.3033
 B: 18N13.0691 109E28.7905
